Source code for asyncqlio.backends.mysql.aiomysql

The :ref:`aiomysql` connector for MySQL/MariaDB databases.
import asyncio
import logging
import typing

import aiomysql
import pymysql

from asyncqlio.backends.base import BaseConnector, BaseResultSet, BaseTransaction, DictRow
from asyncqlio.exc import DatabaseException, IntegrityError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# hijack aiomysql a bit
aiomysql.DictCursor.dict_type = DictRow

[docs]class AiomysqlResultSet(BaseResultSet): """ Represents a result set returned by the MySQL database. """ def __init__(self, cursor: aiomysql.DictCursor): self.cursor = cursor self._keys = None @property def keys(self): return self._keys
[docs] async def close(self):
return await self.cursor.close()
[docs] async def fetch_row(self) -> typing.Dict[typing.Any, typing.Any]: """ Fetches the next row in this result set. """ row = await self.cursor.fetchone() if self._keys is None and row is not None: self._keys = row.keys()
return row
[docs] async def fetch_many(self, n: int): """ Fetches the next N rows. """
return await self.cursor.fetchmany(size=n)
[docs] async def fetch_all(self): """ Fetches ALL the rows. """
return await self.cursor.fetchall()
[docs]class AiomysqlTransaction(BaseTransaction): """ Represents a transaction for aiomysql. """ def __init__(self, connector: 'AiomysqlConnector'): super().__init__(connector) #: The current acquired connection for this transaction. self.connection = None # type: aiomysql.Connection
[docs] async def close(self, *, has_error: bool = False): """ Closes the current connection. """ if has_error: self.connection.close() # release it back to the pool so we don't eat all the connections
[docs] async def begin(self): """ Begins the current transaction. """ self.connection = await self.connector.pool.acquire() # type: aiomysql.Connection await self.connection.begin()
return self
[docs] async def execute(self, sql: str, params=None): """ Executes some SQL in the current transaction. """ # parse DictCursor in order to get a dict-like cursor back # this will use the custom DictRow class passed from before cursor = await self.connection.cursor(cursor=aiomysql.DictCursor) # the doc lies btw # we can pass a dict in instead of a list/tuple # i don't fucking trust this at all though. try: res = await cursor.execute(sql, params) except pymysql.err.IntegrityError as e: raise IntegrityError(*e.args) except (pymysql.err.ProgrammingError, pymysql.err.InternalError) as e: raise DatabaseException(*e.args) finally: await cursor.close()
return res
[docs] async def cursor(self, sql: str, params: typing.Union[typing.Mapping, typing.Iterable] = None) \ -> 'AiomysqlResultSet': """ Returns a :class:`.AiomysqlResultSet` for the specified SQL. """ logger.debug("Executing query {} with params {}".format(sql, params)) cursor = await self.connection.cursor(cursor=aiomysql.DictCursor) await cursor.execute(sql, params)
return AiomysqlResultSet(cursor)
[docs] async def rollback(self, checkpoint: str = None): """ Rolls back the current transaction. :param checkpoint: Ignored. """
await self.connection.rollback()
[docs] async def commit(self): """ Commits the current transaction. """
await self.connection.commit()
[docs]class AiomysqlConnector(BaseConnector): """ A connector that uses the `aiomysql <>`_ library. """ def __init__(self, dsn): super().__init__(dsn) #: The current connection pool for this connector. self.pool = None # type: aiomysql.Pool
[docs] async def connect(self, *, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None) -> 'AiomysqlConnector': """ Connects this connector. """ # aiomysql doesnt support a nice dsn port = self.port or 3306 loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() # XXX: Force SQL mode to be ANSI. # This means we don't break randomly, because we attempt to use ANSI when possible. self.params['sql_mode'] = 'ansi'"Connecting to MySQL on mysql://{}:{}/{}".format(, port, self.db)) self.pool = await aiomysql.create_pool(, user=self.username, password=self.password, port=port, db=self.db, loop=loop, **self.params)
return self
[docs] async def close(self, forcefully: bool = False): """ Closes this connector. """ if forcefully: self.pool.terminate() else: self.pool.close()
await self.pool.wait_closed()
[docs] def get_transaction(self) -> BaseTransaction: """ Gets a new transaction object. """
return AiomysqlTransaction(self)
[docs] def emit_param(self, name: str) -> str: if pymysql.paramstyle == "pyformat": return "%({})s".format(name) elif pymysql.paramstyle == "named": return ":{}".format(name) else:
raise ValueError("Cannot work with paramstyle {}".format(pymysql.paramstyle))
[docs] async def get_db_server_version(self): tr = self.get_transaction() async with tr: cur = await tr.cursor("SELECT VERSION();") row = await cur.fetch_row()
return row[0] CONNECTOR_TYPE = AiomysqlConnector