Source code for asyncqlio.backends.postgresql

PostgreSQL backends.

.. currentmodule:: asyncqlio.backends.postgresql

.. autosummary::


# used for namespace packages
from pkgutil import extend_path
import io
import re

from asyncqlio.exc import DatabaseException
from asyncqlio.sentinels import NO_DEFAULT
from asyncqlio.backends.base import BaseDialect
from asyncqlio.orm.schema import column as md_column
from asyncqlio.orm.schema import index as md_index
from asyncqlio.orm.schema import types as md_types

__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)


idx_regex = re.compile(
    r"CREATE( UNIQUE)? INDEX (\S+) ON (\S+).*\((.+)\)",

[docs]class PostgresqlDialect(BaseDialect): """ The dialect for Postgres. """ @property def has_checkpoints(self): return True @property def has_serial(self): return True @property def lastval_method(self): return "LASTVAL()" @property def has_returns(self): return True @property def has_ilike(self): return True @property def has_default(self): return True @property def has_truncate(self): return True @property def has_cascade(self): return True
[docs] def get_primary_key_index_name(self, table_name):
return "{}_pkey".format(table_name)
[docs] def get_unique_column_index_name(self, table_name, column_name):
return "{}_{}_key".format(table_name, column_name)
[docs] def get_column_sql(self, table_name=None, *, emitter): sql = ''' SELECT columns.*, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS constraints JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS usage ON constraints.constraint_name=usage.constraint_name WHERE constraints.constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY' AND constraints.table_name=columns.table_name AND usage.column_name=columns.column_name) AS primary_key FROM information_schema.columns AS columns''' if table_name: sql += " WHERE columns.table_name={}".format(emitter("table_name"))
return sql
[docs] def get_index_sql(self, table_name=None, *, emitter): sql = "SELECT * FROM pg_indexes" if table_name: sql += (" WHERE tablename={}" .format(emitter("table_name")))
return sql
[docs] def get_upsert_sql(self, table_name, *, on_conflict_update=True): sql = io.StringIO() params = {"insert", "col", "returning"} sql.write("INSERT INTO ") sql.write(table_name) sql.write(" {insert} ON CONFLICT ({col}) DO ") if on_conflict_update: params.add("update") sql.write("UPDATE SET {update} ") else: sql.write("NOTHING ") sql.write("RETURNING {returning};")
return sql.getvalue(), params def transform_rows_to_columns(self, *rows, table_name=None): for row in rows: table_name = row['table_name'] column_name = row['column_name'] primary_key = bool(row['primary_key']) nullable = row["is_nullable"] default = row["column_default"] or NO_DEFAULT psql_type = row["data_type"] if psql_type == "integer": real_type = md_types.Integer elif psql_type == "text": real_type = md_types.Text elif psql_type == "character varying": real_type = md_types.String elif psql_type == "smallint": real_type = md_types.SmallInt elif psql_type == "bigint": real_type = md_types.BigInt elif psql_type == "boolean": real_type = md_types.Boolean elif psql_type == "real": real_type = md_types.Real elif psql_type.startswith("timestamp"): real_type = md_types.Timestamp elif psql_type == "decimal": real_type = md_types.Numeric elif psql_type == "numeric": real_type = md_types.Numeric else: raise DatabaseException("Cannot parse type {}".format(psql_type)) yield md_column.Column.with_name( name=column_name, type_=real_type(), table=table_name, nullable=nullable, default=default, primary_key=primary_key, )
[docs] def transform_rows_to_indexes(self, *rows, table_name=None): for row in rows: groups = idx_regex.match(row["indexdef"]).groups() unique, name, table, columns = groups columns = columns.split(', ') index = md_index.Index.with_name(name, *columns, table=table, unique=unique)
yield index