Source code for asyncqlio.backends.sqlite3

SQLite3 backends.

.. autosummary::


import io
import re
from pkgutil import extend_path

from asyncqlio.exc import DatabaseException, UnsupportedOperationException
from asyncqlio.sentinels import NO_DEFAULT
from asyncqlio.backends.base import BaseDialect
from asyncqlio.orm.schema import column as md_column
from asyncqlio.orm.schema import index as md_index
from asyncqlio.orm.schema import types as md_types

__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)

DEFAULT_CONNECTOR = "aiosqlite3"

find_col_expr = re.compile(r"\((.*)\)")

def _parse_numeric_params(t):
    m ='.*\(([0-9]+)(?:,([0-9]+))?\)', t)
    return [int(v) if v is not None else 0 for v in m.groups()]

[docs]class Sqlite3Dialect(BaseDialect): """ The dialect for SQLite3. """ @property def has_checkpoints(self): return True @property def has_serial(self): return False @property def lastval_method(self): return "last_insert_rowid()" @property def has_returns(self): return False @property def has_ilike(self): return False @property def has_default(self): return False @property def has_truncate(self): return False @property def has_cascade(self): return False
[docs] def get_primary_key_index_name(self, table_name):
return ""
[docs] def get_unique_column_index_name(self, table_name, column_name):
return ""
[docs] def get_column_sql(self, table_name=None, *, emitter): if table_name is None: raise UnsupportedOperationException("Sqlite3 can't get all columns in the schema")
return "PRAGMA table_info({})".format(table_name)
[docs] def get_index_sql(self, table_name=None, *, emitter): sql = "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master where type='index'" if table_name: sql += (" AND tbl_name={}" .format(emitter("table_name")))
return sql
[docs] def get_upsert_sql(self, table_name, *, on_conflict_update=True): sql = io.StringIO() params = {"insert"} if on_conflict_update: params.update({"update", "where"}) sql.write("UPDATE ") sql.write(table_name) sql.write(" SET {update} WHERE {where};\n") sql.write("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO ") sql.write(table_name) sql.write(" {insert};")
return sql.getvalue(), params def transform_rows_to_columns(self, *rows, table_name): for row in rows: column_name = row["name"] primary_key = bool(row["pk"]) nullable = not row["notnull"] default = row["dflt_value"] or NO_DEFAULT psql_type = row["type"] if psql_type == "INTEGER": real_type = md_types.Integer elif psql_type == "TEXT": real_type = md_types.Text elif psql_type.startswith("VARCHAR"): size = int(psql_type[psql_type.index("(") + 1:-1]) real_type = md_types.String(size) elif psql_type == "SMALLINT": real_type = md_types.SmallInt elif psql_type == "BIGINT": real_type = md_types.BigInt elif psql_type == "BOOLEAN": real_type = md_types.Boolean elif psql_type == "REAL": real_type = md_types.Real elif psql_type == "TIMESTAMP": real_type = md_types.Timestamp elif psql_type.startswith("NUMERIC"): real_type = md_types.Numeric(*_parse_numeric_params(psql_type)[1:]) elif psql_type.startswith("DECIMAL"): real_type = md_types.Numeric(*_parse_numeric_params(psql_type)[1:]) else: raise DatabaseException("Cannot parse type {}".format(psql_type)) yield md_column.Column.with_name( name=column_name, type_=real_type, table=table_name, nullable=nullable, default=default, primary_key=primary_key, )
[docs] def transform_rows_to_indexes(self, *rows, table_name): for row in rows: name = row["name"] table = row["tbl_name"] sql = row["sql"] if sql is None: continue match = find_col_expr.match(sql) if match is not None: columns = match.groups()[0] columns = (name.trim() for name in columns.split(",")) else: columns = ()
yield md_index.Index.with_name(name, *columns, table=table)