Source code for asyncqlio.orm.schema.column

Classes for column objects.

import functools
import inspect
import io
import logging
import typing

from cached_property import cached_property

from asyncqlio.backends import sqlite3
from asyncqlio.meta import proxy_to_getattr
from asyncqlio.orm import operators as md_operators
from asyncqlio.orm.schema import relationship as md_relationship, table as md_table, \
    types as md_types
from asyncqlio.sentinels import NO_DEFAULT

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _wrap(self, i):
    if not inspect.ismethod(i):
        return i

    # create a wrapper function
    # that hijacks any ColumnValueMixins
    def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        result = i(*args, **kwargs)

        if not isinstance(result, md_operators.ColumnValueMixin):
            return result

        result.column = self
        return result

    return _wrapper

[docs]@proxy_to_getattr("__eq__", "__neq__", "__gt__", "__lt__", "__gte__", "__lte__") class AliasedColumn(object): """ Represents a column on an aliased table. """ def __init__(self, alias_table: 'md_table.AliasedTable', column: 'Column'): """ :param alias_table: The alias table this column is a member of. :param column: The Column object this aliased column proxies. """ self.alias_table = alias_table self.column = column @property def quoted_fullname(self): return r'"{}"."{}"'.format(self.alias_table.alias_name, # needed since we override `__eq__` def __hash__(self): return self.column.__hash__() # proxy to the column object def __getattr__(self, item): i = getattr(self.column, item) # check if it's a metho
return _wrap(self, i)
[docs]@proxy_to_getattr("__contains__", "__getitem__", "__setitem__") class Column(object): """ Represents a column in a table in a database. .. code-block:: python3 class MyTable(Table): id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) The ``id`` column will mirror the ID of records in the table when fetching, etc. and can be set on a record when storing in a table. .. code-block:: python3 sess = db.get_session() user = await == 2).first() print( # 2 """
[docs] def __init__(self, type_: 'typing.Union[md_types.ColumnType, typing.Type[md_types.ColumnType]]', *, primary_key: bool = False, nullable: bool = False, default: typing.Any = NO_DEFAULT, index: bool = True, unique: bool = False, foreign_key: 'md_relationship.ForeignKey' = None, table: 'typing.Type[md_table.Table]' = None): """ :param type_: The :class:`.ColumnType` that represents the type of this column. :param primary_key: Is this column the table's Primary Key (the unique identifier that identifies each row)? :param nullable: Can this column be NULL? :param default: The client-side default for this column. If no value is provided when inserting, this value will automatically be added to the insert query. :param index: Should this column be indexed? :param unique: Is this column unique? :param foreign_key: The :class:`.ForeignKey` associated with this column. """ #: The name of the column. #: This can be manually set, or automatically set when set on a table. = None # type: str #: The :class:`.Table` instance this Column is associated with. self.table = table # type: md_table.Table #: The :class:`.ColumnType` that represents the type of this column. self.type = type_ # type: md_types.ColumnType if not isinstance(self.type, md_types.ColumnType): # assume we need to create the "default" type self.type = self.type.create_default() # type: md_types.ColumnType # update our own object on the column self.type.column = self #: The default for this column. self.default = default #: If this Column is a primary key. self.primary_key = primary_key #: If this Column is nullable. self.nullable = nullable #: If this Column is indexed. self.indexed = index #: If this Column is unique. self.unique = unique #: The foreign key associated with this column. self.foreign_key = foreign_key # type: md_relationship.ForeignKey if self.foreign_key is not None:
self.foreign_key.column = self
[docs] def __repr__(self):
return "<Column table={} name={} type={}>".format(self.table,, self.type.sql())
[docs] def __hash__(self):
return super().__hash__()
[docs] def __set_name__(self, owner, name): """ Called to update the table and the name of this Column. :param owner: The :class:`.Table` this Column is on. :param name: The str name of this table. """ if is None: logger.debug("Column created with name {} on {}".format(name, owner)) = name
self.table = owner def __getattr__(self, item): # try and get it from the columntype try: i = getattr(self.type, item) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("Column object '{}' has no attribute '{}'".format(, item)) from None # if it's a function, return a partial that uses this Column if inspect.isfunction(i): # can be called like Column.whatever(val) and it will pass Column in too return functools.partial(i, self) # otherwise just return the attribute return i @property def table_name(self) -> str: """ The name of this column's table. """ if isinstance(self.table, str): return self.table return self.table.__tablename__ @property def autoincrement(self) -> bool: """ Whether this column is set to autoincrement. """ if isinstance(self.table.metadata.bind.dialect, sqlite3.Sqlite3Dialect): return self.primary_key and isinstance(self.type, md_types.Integer) return isinstance(self.type, md_types.Serial) # DDL stuff
[docs] @classmethod def with_name(cls, name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Column': """ Creates this column with a name already set. """ col = cls(*args, **kwargs) = name
return col
[docs] def get_ddl_sql(self) -> str: """ Gets the DDL SQL for this column. """ base = io.StringIO() base.write( base.write(" ") base.write(self.type.sql()) if self.nullable: base.write(" NULL") else: base.write(" NOT NULL") if self.unique: base.write(" UNIQUE")
return base.getvalue()
[docs] def generate_schema(self, fp=None) -> str: """ Generates the library schema for this column. """ schema = fp or io.StringIO() schema.write( schema.write(" = ") schema.write(type(self).__name__) schema.write("(") schema.write(self.type.schema()) if self.nullable: schema.write(", nullable=True") if self.unique: schema.write(", unique=True") if self.foreign_key is not None: schema.write(", foreign_key=") schema.write(self.foreign_key.generate_schema(schema)) if self.primary_key: schema.write(", primary_key=True") schema.write(")")
return schema.getvalue() if fp is None else "" # Operators
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: typing.Any) -> 'typing.Union[md_operators.Eq, bool]': # why is this here? # sometimes, we need to check if two columns are equal # so this does `col1 == col2` etc # however, we override col.__eq__ to return an Eq operator. # python does a best guess and calls bool(col.__eq__(other)), which is True # because default __bool__ is truthy, this returns True # so it assumes they ARE equal # an example of this is checking if a column is in a primary key # if you need to compare two columns in a where() clause, use `Column.eq` etc. if isinstance(other, Column): return self.table == other.table and ==
return md_operators.Eq(self, other)
[docs] def __ne__(self, other) -> 'typing.Union[md_operators.NEq, bool]': if isinstance(other, Column): return self.table != other.table or !=
return md_operators.NEq(self, other)
[docs] def __lt__(self, other) -> 'md_operators.Lt':
return md_operators.Lt(self, other)
[docs] def __gt__(self, other) -> 'md_operators.Gt':
return md_operators.Gt(self, other)
[docs] def __le__(self, other) -> 'md_operators.Lte':
return md_operators.Lte(self, other)
[docs] def __ge__(self, other) -> 'md_operators.Gte':
return md_operators.Gte(self, other)
[docs] def eq(self, other) -> 'md_operators.Eq': """ Checks if this column is equal to something else. .. note:: This is the easy way to check if a column equals another column in a WHERE clause, because the default __eq__ behaviour returns a bool rather than an operator. """
return md_operators.Eq(self, other)
[docs] def ne(self, other) -> 'md_operators.NEq': """ Checks if this column is not equal to something else. .. note:: This is the easy way to check if a column doesn't equal another column in a WHERE clause, because the default __ne__ behaviour returns a bool rather than an operator. """
return md_operators.NEq(self, other)
[docs] def asc(self) -> 'md_operators.AscSorter': """ Returns the ascending sorter operator for this column. """
return md_operators.AscSorter(self)
[docs] def desc(self) -> 'md_operators.DescSorter': """ Returns the descending sorter operator for this column. """
return md_operators.DescSorter(self)
[docs] def set(self, value: typing.Any) -> 'md_operators.ValueSetter': """ Sets this column in a bulk update. """
return md_operators.ValueSetter(self, value)
[docs] def incr(self, value: typing.Any) -> 'md_operators.IncrementSetter': """ Increments this column in a bulk update. """
return md_operators.IncrementSetter(self, value)
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """ Magic method for incr() """
return self.incr(other)
[docs] def decr(self, value: typing.Any) -> 'md_operators.DecrementSetter': """ Decrements this column in a bulk update. """
return md_operators.DecrementSetter(self, value)
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): """ Magic method for decr() """
return self.decr(other)
[docs] def quoted_fullname_with_table(self, table: 'md_table.TableMeta') -> str: """ Gets the quoted fullname with a table. This is used for columns with alias tables. :param table: The :class:`.Table` or :class:`.AliasedTable` to use. :return: """
return r'"{}"."{}"'.format(table.__tablename__, @cached_property def quoted_name(self) -> str: """ Gets the quoted name for this column. This returns the column name in "column" format. """ return r'"{}"'.format( @cached_property def quoted_fullname(self) -> str: """ Gets the full quoted name for this column. This returns the column name in "table"."column" format. """ return r'"{}"."{}"'.format(self.table.__tablename__, @property def foreign_column(self) -> 'Column': """ :return: The foreign :class:`.Column` this is associated with, or None otherwise. """ if self.foreign_key is None: return None return self.foreign_key.foreign_column
[docs] def alias_name(self, table=None, quoted: bool = False) -> str: """ Gets the alias name for a column, given the table. This is in the format of `t_<table name>_<column_name>`. :param table: The :class:`.Table` to use to generate the alias name. \ This is useful for aliased tables. :param quoted: Should the name be quoted? :return: A str representing the alias name. """ if table is None: table = self.table fmt = "t_{}_{}".format(table.__tablename__, if quoted: return '"{}"'.format(fmt)
return fmt