Source code for asyncqlio.orm.schema.types

Column types.

import abc
import datetime
import decimal
import typing

from asyncqlio.exc import DatabaseException
from asyncqlio.orm import operators as md_operators
from asyncqlio.orm.schema import column as md_column, table as md_table

[docs]class ColumnValidationError(DatabaseException): """ Raised when a column fails validation.
[docs]class ColumnType(abc.ABC): """ Implements some underlying mechanisms for a :class:`.Column`. The only method that is required to be implemented on children is :meth:`.ColumnType.sql` - which is used in CREATE TABLE declarations, etc. :meth:`.ColumnType.on_set`, :meth:`.ColumnType.on_get` and so on are not required to be implemented - the defaults will work fine. The ColumnType is responsible for actually loading the data from the row's internal storage and to the user code. .. code-block:: python3 # we hate fun def on_get(self, row, column): return "lol" ... # row is a random row object # load the `fun` column which has this weird type value = print(value) # "lol", regardless of what was stored in the database. Accordingly, it is also responsible for storing the data into the row's internal storage. .. code-block:: python3 def on_set(*args, **kwargs): return None row.not_fun = 1 print(row.not_fun) # None - no value was stored in the row To actually insert a value into the row's storage table, use :meth:`.ColumnType.store_value`. Correspondingly, loading a value from the row's storage table can be achieved with :meth:`.ColumnType.load_value`. These functions should be used, as they are guarenteed to work across all versions. Columns will proxy bad attribute accesses from the Column object to this type object - meaning types can implement custom operators, if applicable. .. code-block:: python3 class User(Table): id = Column(MyWeirdType()) ... # MyWeirdType implements `.contains` # the contains call is proxied to (MyWeirdType instance).contains("heck") q = await"heck")).first() """ __slots__ = ("column",) def __init__(self): #: The column this type object is associated with. self.column = None # type: md_column.Column
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def sql(self) -> str: """ :return: The str SQL name of this type.
[docs] def schema(self) -> str: """ :return: The library schema of this object. If this is not defined, any arguments given to the type will not persist across schema generation. """
return "{}()".format(type(self).__name__)
[docs] def validate_set(self, row: 'md_table.Table', value: typing.Any) -> bool: """ Validates that the item being set is valid. This is called by the default ``on_set``. :param row: The row being set. :param value: The value to set. :return: A bool indicating if this is valid or not. """
return True
[docs] def store_value(self, row: 'md_table.Table', value: typing.Any): """ Stores a value in the row's storage table. This is for internal usage only. :param row: The row to store in. :param value: The value to store in the row. """
row.store_column_value(self.column, value)
[docs] def on_set(self, row: 'md_table.Table', value: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: """ Called when a value is a set on this column. This is the default method - it will call :meth:`.ColumnType.validate_set` to validate the type before storing it. This is useful for simple column types. :param row: The row this value is being set on. :param value: The value being set. """ if value is not None: valid = self.validate_set(row, value) if not valid: raise ColumnValidationError("Value {} failed to validate in type {}" .format(value, type(self).__name__))
self.store_value(row, value)
[docs] def on_get(self, row: 'md_table.Table') -> typing.Any: """ Called when a value is retrieved from this column. :param row: The row that is being retrieved. :return: The value of the row's internal storage. """
return row.get_column_value(self.column)
[docs] @classmethod def create_default(cls) -> 'ColumnType': """ Creates the default object for this table in the event that a type is passed to a column, instead of an instance. """
return cls() # Some methods for base types
[docs] def in_(self, *args) -> 'md_operators.In': """ Returns an IN operator, checking if a value in this column is in a tuple of items. :param args: The items to check. """ if len(args) <= 0: raise ValueError("Must provide at least one argument to in_")
return md_operators.In(self.column, args)
[docs]class String(ColumnType): """ Represents a VARCHAR() type. """ def __init__(self, size: int = -1): super().__init__() #: The max size of this String. self.size = size
[docs] def sql(self): # return max if theres no size # since we want to create an unbounded varchar if self.size >= 0: return "VARCHAR({})".format(self.size) else:
return "VARCHAR"
[docs] def schema(self): size = self.size if self.size > 0 else ""
return "{}({})".format(type(self).__name__, size)
[docs] def validate_set(self, row, value: typing.Any): if self.size < 0: return True if len(value) > self.size: raise ColumnValidationError("Value {} is more than {} chars long".format(value, self.size))
return True
[docs] def like(self, other: str) -> 'md_operators.Like': """ Returns a LIKE operator, checking if this column is LIKE another string. :param other: The other string to check. """
return md_operators.Like(self.column, other)
[docs] def ilike(self, other: str) -> 'typing.Union[md_operators.ILike, md_operators.HackyILike]': """ Returns an ILIKE operator, checking if this column is case-insensitive LIKE another string. .. warning:: This is not supported in all DB backends. :param other: The other string to check. """ if self.column.table.metadata.bind.dialect.has_ilike: return md_operators.ILike(self.column, other) else:
return md_operators.HackyILike(self.column, other)
[docs]class Text(String): """ Represents a TEXT type. TEXT type columns are very similar to String type objects, except that they have no size limit. .. note:: This is preferable to the String type in some databases. .. warning:: This is deprecated in MSSQL. """ def __init__(self): # unlimited size super().__init__(size=-1)
[docs] def sql(self):
return "TEXT"
[docs]class Boolean(ColumnType): """ Represents a BOOL type. """
[docs] def sql(self):
return "BOOLEAN"
[docs] def validate_set(self, row: 'md_table.Table', value: typing.Any):
return value in [True, False]
[docs]class Integer(ColumnType): """ Represents an INTEGER type. .. warning:: This represents a 32-bit integer (2**31-1 to -2**32) """
[docs] def sql(self):
return "INTEGER"
[docs] def validate_set(self, row, value: typing.Any): """ Checks if this int is in range for the type. """
return -2147483648 < value < 2147483647
[docs] def on_set(self, row, value: typing.Any): if not isinstance(value, int): raise ColumnValidationError("Value {} is not an int".format(value))
return super().on_set(row, value)
[docs]class SmallInt(Integer): """ Represents a SMALLINT type. """
[docs] def sql(self):
return "SMALLINT"
[docs] def validate_set(self, row, value: typing.Any):
return -32768 < value < 32767
[docs]class BigInt(Integer): """ Represents a BIGINT type. """
[docs] def sql(self):
return "BIGINT"
[docs] def validate_set(self, row, value):
return -9223372036854775808 < value < 9223372036854775807
[docs]class Serial(Integer): """ Represents a SERIAL type. This type does not exist in SQLite; integer primary keys autoincrement already. """
[docs] def sql(self):
return "SERIAL"
[docs]class BigSerial(Serial, BigInt): """ Represents a BIGSERIAL type. """
[docs] def sql(self):
return "BIGSERIAL"
[docs]class SmallSerial(Serial, SmallInt): """ Represents a SMALLSERIAL type. """
[docs] def sql(self):
[docs]class Real(ColumnType): """ Represents a REAL type. """
[docs] def sql(self):
return "REAL"
[docs] def validate_set(self, row, value): try: float(value) except ValueError: return False else:
return True
[docs]class Timestamp(ColumnType): """ Represents a TIMESTAMP type. """
[docs] def sql(self):
return "TIMESTAMP"
[docs] def validate_set(self, row, value):
return isinstance(value, datetime.datetime)
[docs]class Numeric(ColumnType): """ Represents a NUMERIC type. .. note:: :class:`.Numeric` type columns are similar to :class:`.Real` objects, except Numeric represents an explicit known value (``DECIMAL``, ``NUMERIC``, ``DOUBLE``, etc) and not a floating point type like ``REAL``, or ``FLOAT``. Use :class:`.Real` for floating points. """ def __init__(self, precision: int = 10, scale: int = 0, asdecimal: bool = True): """ :param precision: Total number of digits stored, excluding the the decimal. :param scale: Number of digits to be stored after the decimal point. :param asdecimal: Set value as Python ``decimal.Decimal``, floats are used when false. """ super().__init__() self.precision = precision self.scale = scale self.asdecimal = asdecimal
[docs] def sql(self): if self.scale <= 0: return "NUMERIC({})".format(self.precision)
return "NUMERIC({},{})".format(self.precision, self.scale)
[docs] def schema(self): name = type(self).__name__ if self.scale <= 0: return "{}({})".format(name, self.precision)
return "{}({}, {})".format(name, self.precision, self.scale)
[docs] def on_get(self, row): fmt = '{0:.%df}' % self.scale value = fmt.format(row.get_column_value(self.column)) if not self.asdecimal: return float(value)
return decimal.Decimal(value)
[docs] def on_set(self, row, value: typing.Any): fmt = '{0:.%df}' % self.scale
return super().on_set(row, fmt.format(value))