Source code for asyncqlio.orm.session

Classes for session objects.

import enum
import functools
import io
import logging
import typing
import warnings

from asyncqlio import db as md_db
from asyncqlio.backends.base import BaseResultSet, BaseTransaction
from asyncqlio.exc import DatabaseException
from asyncqlio.orm import inspection as md_inspection, query as md_query
from asyncqlio.orm.schema import table as md_table
from asyncqlio.sentinels import NO_DEFAULT, NO_VALUE

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SessionState(enum.Enum): NOT_READY = 0 READY = 1
CLOSED = 2 # decorators def enforce_open(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._state is not SessionState.READY: raise RuntimeError("Session is not ready or closed") else: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]class SessionBase(object): """ A superclass for session-like objects. """ def __init__(self, bind: 'md_db.DatabaseInterface', **kwargs): """ :param bind: The :class:`.DatabaseInterface` instance we are bound to. """ self.bind = bind #: The current state for the session. self._state = SessionState.NOT_READY #: The current :class:`.BaseTransaction` this Session is associated with. #: The transaction is used for making queries and inserts, etc. self.transaction = None # type: BaseTransaction async def __aenter__(self) -> 'SessionBase': await self.start() return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): try: if exc_type is None: await self.commit() else: if exc_type != DatabaseException: await self.rollback() finally: await self.close(has_error=exc_type is not None) return False def __del__(self): if self._state == SessionState.READY: warnings.warn("Session was destroyed without being closed!", stacklevel=2) # util methods
[docs] async def start(self) -> 'SessionBase': """ Starts the session, acquiring a transaction connection which will be used to modify the DB. This **must** be called before using the session. .. code-block:: python3 sess = db.get_session() # or get_ddl_session etc await sess.start() .. note:: When using ``async with``, this is automatically called. """ if self._state is not SessionState.NOT_READY: raise RuntimeError("Session must not be ready or closed") logger.debug("Acquiring new transaction, and beginning") self.transaction = self.bind.get_transaction() await self.transaction.begin() self._state = SessionState.READY
return self
[docs] @enforce_open async def commit(self) -> 'SessionBase': """ Commits the current session, running inserts/updates/deletes. This will **not** close the session; it can be re-used after a commit. """ logger.debug("Committing transaction") await self.transaction.commit()
return self
[docs] @enforce_open async def rollback(self, checkpoint: str = None) -> 'SessionBase': """ Rolls the current session back. This is useful if an error occurs inside your code. :param checkpoint: The checkpoint to roll back to, if applicable. """ logger.debug("Rolling back session to checkpoint {}".format(checkpoint)) await self.transaction.rollback(checkpoint=checkpoint)
return self
[docs] @enforce_open async def close(self, *, has_error: bool = False): """ Closes the current session. :param has_error: If this session had an error. Internal usage only. .. warning:: This will **NOT COMMIT ANY DATA**. Old data will die. """ await self.transaction.close(has_error=has_error) self._state = SessionState.CLOSED
del self.transaction # sql methods # generic methods for wrapping the transaction
[docs] @enforce_open async def fetch(self, sql: str, params=None) -> 'typing.Mapping': """ Fetches a single row. """ cur = await self.transaction.cursor(sql, params) next = await cur.fetch_row() await cur.close()
return next
[docs] @enforce_open async def execute(self, sql: str, params: typing.Union[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any], typing.Iterable[typing.Any]] = None): """ Executes SQL inside the current session. This is part of the **low-level API.** :param sql: The SQL to execute. :param params: The parameters to use inside the query. """
return await self.transaction.execute(sql, params)
[docs] @enforce_open async def cursor(self, sql: str, params: typing.Union[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any], typing.Iterable[typing.Any]] = None) -> BaseResultSet: """ Executes SQL inside the current session, and returns a new :class:`.BaseResultSet.` :param sql: The SQL to execute. :param params: The parameters to use inside the query. """
return await self.transaction.cursor(sql, params)
[docs]class Session(SessionBase): """ Sessions act as a temporary window into the database. They are responsible for creating queries, inserting and updating rows, etc. Sessions are bound to a :class:`.DatabaseInterface` instance which they use to get a transaction and execute queries in. .. code-block:: python3 # get a session from our db interface sess = db.get_session() """ def __aenter__(self) -> 'typing.Coroutine[None, None, Session]': return super().__aenter__() # Query builders @property def select(self) -> 'md_query.SelectQuery': """ Creates a new SELECT query that can be built upon. :return: A new :class:`.SelectQuery`. """ q = md_query.SelectQuery(self) return q @property def insert(self) -> 'md_query.InsertQuery': """ Creates a new INSERT INTO query that can be built upon. :return: A new :class:`.InsertQuery`. """ return md_query.InsertQuery(self) @property def update(self) -> 'md_query.BulkUpdateQuery': """ Creates a new UPDATE query that can be built upon. :return: A new :class:`.BulkUpdateQuery`. """ return md_query.BulkUpdateQuery(self) @property def delete(self) -> 'md_query.BulkDeleteQuery': """ Creates a new DELETE query that can be built upon. :return: A new :class:`.BulkDeleteQuery`. """ return md_query.BulkDeleteQuery(self)
[docs] async def truncate(self, table: 'typing.Type[md_table.Table]', *, cascade: bool = False): """ Truncates a table. :param table: The table to truncate. :param cascade: If this truncate should cascade to other tables. """ base = io.StringIO() if self.bind.dialect.has_truncate: base.write("TRUNCATE TABLE {} ".format(table.__quoted_name__)) else: base.write("DELETE FROM {} ".format(table.__quoted_name__)) if cascade is True: base.write("CASCADE;") else: base.write(";") val = base.getvalue()
return await self.execute(val, {})
[docs] @enforce_open async def insert_now(self, row: 'md_table.Table') -> typing.Any: """ Inserts a row NOW. .. warning:: This will only generate the INSERT statement for the row now. Only :meth:`.Session.commit` will actually commit the row to storage. Also, tables with auto-incrementing fields will only have their first field filled in outside of Postgres databases. :param row: The :class:`.Table` instance to insert. :return: The row, with primary key included. """ # this just creates a new query # and calls _do_insert_query # to actually run the query q = md_query.InsertQuery(self) q.add_row(row) result = await self.run_insert_query(q) try: return result[0] except IndexError:
return None
[docs] @enforce_open async def update_now(self, row: 'md_table.Table') -> 'md_table.Table': """ Updates a row NOW. .. warning:: This will only generate the UPDATE statement for the row now. Only :meth:`.Session.commit` will actually commit the row to storage. :param row: The :class:`.Table` instance to update. :return: The :class:`.Table` instance that was updated. """ q = md_query.RowUpdateQuery(self) q.add_row(row) await self.run_update_query(q)
return row
[docs] @enforce_open async def delete_now(self, row: 'md_table.Table') -> 'md_table.Table': """ Deletes a row NOW. """ q = md_query.RowDeleteQuery(self) q.add_row(row) await self.run_delete_query(q)
return row
[docs] async def run_select_query(self, query: 'md_query.SelectQuery'): """ Executes a select query. .. warning:: Unlike the other `run_*_query` methods, this method should not be used without a good reason; it creates a special class that is used for the query. Use :class:`.SelectQuery.first` or :class:`.SelectQuery.all`. :param query: The :class:`.SelectQuery` to use. :return: A :class:`._ResultGenerator` for this query. """ gen = md_query.ResultGenerator(query) sql, params = query.generate_sql() cursor = await self.cursor(sql, params) # set the cursor on the result generator gen._results = cursor
return gen
[docs] async def run_insert_query(self, query: 'md_query.InsertQuery'): """ Executes an insert query. :param query: The :class:`.InsertQuery` to use. :return: The list of rows that were inserted. """ queries = query.generate_sql() results = [] for row, (sql, params) in zip(query.rows_to_insert, queries): if md_inspection._get_mangled(row, "deleted"): raise RuntimeError("Row '{}' is marked as deleted".format(row)) # this needs to be a cursor # since postgres uses RETURNING cur = await self.cursor(sql, params) # some drivers don't execute until this is done # (asyncpg, apparently) # so always fetch a row now # this is None if it doesnt support returning, so returned_row = await cur.fetch_row() # if we have returns, we can store the column values directly if self.bind.dialect.has_returns and returned_row is not None: for colname, value in returned_row.items(): column = row.table.get_column(colname) if column is None: # what continue row.store_column_value(column, value, track_history=False) await cur.close() else: if sum(1 for x in row.table.iter_columns() if x.autoincrement) == 1: # we can load the last value easily lquery = "SELECT {};".format(self.bind.dialect.lastval_method) cursor = await self.cursor(lquery) async with cursor: lval_row = await cursor.fetch_row() # there should only be one value here value = list(lval_row.values())[0] column = next( filter(lambda x: x.autoincrement, row.table.iter_columns()), None ) row.store_column_value(column, value) for column in row.table.iter_columns(): if column.default is not NO_DEFAULT \ and row.get_column_value(column, return_default=False) is NO_VALUE: row.store_column_value(column, column.default) await cur.close() md_inspection._set_mangled(row, "deleted", False) md_inspection._set_mangled(row, "existed", True) results.append(row)
return results
[docs] async def run_update_query(self, query: 'md_query.BaseQuery'): """ Executes an update query. :param query: The :class:`.RowUpdateQuery` or :class:`.BulkUpdateQuery` to execute. """ if isinstance(query, md_query.RowUpdateQuery): for row, (sql, params) in zip(query.rows_to_update, query.generate_sql()): if md_inspection._get_mangled(row, "deleted"): raise RuntimeError("Row '{}' is marked as deleted".format(row)) if sql is None and params is None: continue await self.execute(sql, params) # copy the history of the row row._previous_values = row._values elif isinstance(query, md_query.BulkUpdateQuery): sql, params = query.generate_sql() await self.execute(sql, params) else: raise TypeError("Type {0.__class__.__name__} is not an update query".format(query))
return query
[docs] async def run_delete_query(self, query: 'md_query.RowDeleteQuery'): """ Executes a delete query. :param query: The :class:`.RowDeleteQuery` or :class:`.BulkDeleteQuery` to execute. """ if isinstance(query, md_query.RowDeleteQuery): for row, (sql, params) in zip(query.rows_to_delete, query.generate_sql()): if md_inspection._get_mangled(row, "deleted"): raise RuntimeError("Row '{}' is already marked as deleted".format(row)) if sql is None and params is None: continue await self.execute(sql, params) md_inspection._set_mangled(row, "deleted", True) elif isinstance(query, md_query.BulkDeleteQuery): sql, params = query.generate_sql() await self.execute(sql, params) else: raise TypeError("Type {0.__class__.__name__} is not a delete query".format(query))
return query
[docs] async def add(self, row: 'md_table.Table') -> 'md_table.Table': """ Adds a row to the current transaction. This will emit SQL that will generate an INSERT or UPDATE statement, and then update the primary key of this row. .. warning:: This will only generate the INSERT statement for the row now. Only :meth:`.Session.commit` will actually commit the row to storage. :param row: The :class:`.Table` instance object to add to the transaction. :return: The :class:`.Table` instance with primary key filled in, if applicable. """ # it already existed in our session, so emit a UPDATE if md_inspection._get_mangled(row, "existed"): return await self.update_now(row) # otherwise, emit an INSERT else:
return await self.insert_now(row)
[docs] async def merge(self, row: 'md_table.Table') -> 'md_table.Table': """ Merges a row with a row that already exists in the database. This should be used for rows that have a primary key, but were not returned from :meth:``. :param row: The :class:`.Table` instance to merge. :return: The :class:`.Table` instance once updated. """
return await self.update_now(row)
[docs] async def remove(self, row: 'md_table.Table') -> 'md_table.Table': """ Removes a row from the database. :param row: The :class:`.Table` instance to remove. """
return await self.delete_now(row)