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Classes for operators returned from queries.


requires_bop(func) A decorator that marks a magic method as requiring another BaseOperator.


And(*ops) Represents an AND operator in a query.
BaseOperator The base operator class.
BasicSetter(column, value) Represents a basic setting operation.
ColumnValueMixin(column, value) A mixin that specifies that an operator takes both a Column and a Value as arguments.
ComparisonOp(column, value) A helper class that implements easy generation of comparison-based operators.
DecrementSetter(column, value) Represents a decrement setter.
Eq(column, value) Represents an equality operator.
Gt(column, value) Represents a more than operator.
Gte(column, value) Represents a more than or equals to operator.
HackyILike(column, value) A “hacky” ILIKE operator for databases that do not support it.
ILike(column, value) Represents an ILIKE operator.
In(column, value)
IncrementSetter(column, value) Represents an increment setter.
Like(column, value) Represents a LIKE operator.
Lt(column, value) Represents a less than operator.
Lte(column, value) Represents a less than or equals to operator.
NEq(column, value) Represents a non-equality operator.
OperatorResponse(sql, parameters) A storage class for the generated SQL from an operator.
Or(*ops) Represents an OR operator in a query.
Sorter(*columns) A generic sorter operator, for use in ORDER BY.
ValueSetter(column, value) Represents a value setter (col = 1).
class asyncqlio.orm.operators.OperatorResponse(sql, parameters)[source]

Bases: object

A storage class for the generated SQL from an operator.

  • sql (str) – The generated SQL for this operator.
  • parameters (dict) – A dict of parameters to use for this response.

A decorator that marks a magic method as requiring another BaseOperator.

Parameters:func – The function to decorate.
Return type:Callable[[BaseOperator, BaseOperator], Any]
Returns:A function that returns NotImplemented when the class required isn’t specified.
class asyncqlio.orm.operators.BaseOperator[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

The base operator class.


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter (Callable[[], Tuple[str, str]]) – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Return type:OperatorResponse
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.And(*ops)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.BaseOperator

Represents an AND operator in a query.

This will join multiple other BaseOperator objects together.


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.Or(*ops)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.BaseOperator

Represents an OR operator in a query.

This will join multiple other BaseOperator objects together.


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.Sorter(*columns)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.BaseOperator

A generic sorter operator, for use in ORDER BY.


The sort order for this row; ASC or DESC.


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.AscSorter(*columns)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.Sorter


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.DescSorter(*columns)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.Sorter


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.ColumnValueMixin(column, value)[source]

Bases: object

A mixin that specifies that an operator takes both a Column and a Value as arguments.

class MyOp(BaseOperator, ColumnValueMixin):

# myop is constructed MyOp(col, value)
class asyncqlio.orm.operators.BasicSetter(column, value)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.BaseOperator, asyncqlio.orm.operators.ColumnValueMixin

Represents a basic setting operation. Used for bulk queries.

Return type:str
Returns:The “setting” operator to use when generating the SQL.

Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.ValueSetter(column, value)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.BasicSetter

Represents a value setter (col = 1).


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.IncrementSetter(column, value)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.BasicSetter

Represents an increment setter. (col = col + 1)


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.DecrementSetter(column, value)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.BasicSetter

Represents a decrement setter.


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.In(column, value)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.BaseOperator, asyncqlio.orm.operators.ColumnValueMixin


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter (Callable[[str], str]) – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.ComparisonOp(column, value)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.ColumnValueMixin, asyncqlio.orm.operators.BaseOperator

A helper class that implements easy generation of comparison-based operators.

To customize the operator provided, set the value of operator in the class body.


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.Eq(column, value)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.ComparisonOp

Represents an equality operator.


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.NEq(column, value)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.ComparisonOp

Represents a non-equality operator.


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.Lt(column, value)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.ComparisonOp

Represents a less than operator.


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.Gt(column, value)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.ComparisonOp

Represents a more than operator.


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.Lte(column, value)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.ComparisonOp

Represents a less than or equals to operator.


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.Gte(column, value)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.ComparisonOp

Represents a more than or equals to operator.


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.Like(column, value)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.ComparisonOp

Represents a LIKE operator.


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.ILike(column, value)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.ComparisonOp

Represents an ILIKE operator.


This operator is not natively supported on all dialects. If used on a dialect that doesn’t support it, it will fallback to a lowercase LIKE.


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.

class asyncqlio.orm.operators.HackyILike(column, value)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.operators.BaseOperator, asyncqlio.orm.operators.ColumnValueMixin

A “hacky” ILIKE operator for databases that do not support it.


Generates the SQL for an operator.

Parameters must be generated using the emitter callable.

Parameters:emitter – A callable that can be used to generate param placeholders in a query.
Returns:A OperatorResponse representing the result.


The param name and the param can be empty if none is to be returned.