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Classes for query objects.


BaseQuery(sess) A base query object.
BulkDeleteQuery(sess) Represents a bulk delete query.
BulkQuery(sess) Represents a bulk query.
BulkUpdateQuery(sess) Represents a bulk update query.
InsertQuery(sess) Represents an INSERT query.
ResultGenerator(q) A helper class that will generate new results from a query when iterated over.
RowDeleteQuery(sess) Represents a row deletion query.
RowUpdateQuery(sess) Represents a row update query.
SelectQuery(session) Represents a SELECT query, which fetches data from the database.
UpsertQuery(sess, *columns, rows) Represents an UPSERT query.
class asyncqlio.orm.query.BaseQuery(sess)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.meta.AsyncABC

A base query object.

Parameters:sess (Session) – The Session associated with this query.

Generates the SQL for this query. :rtype: Tuple[str, Mapping[str, Any]] :return: A two item tuple, the SQL to use and a mapping of params to pass.

coroutine run()[source]

Runs this query.

class asyncqlio.orm.query.ResultGenerator(q)[source]


A helper class that will generate new results from a query when iterated over.

Parameters:q (SelectQuery) – The SelectQuery to use.
coroutine flatten(self)[source]

Flattens this query into a single list.

Return type:List[Table]
class asyncqlio.orm.query.SelectQuery(session)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.query.BaseQuery

Represents a SELECT query, which fetches data from the database.

This is not normally created by user code directly, but rather as a result of a call.

sess = db.get_session()
async with sess:
    query =  # query is instance of SelectQuery
    # alternatively, but not recommended
    query =

However, it is possible to create this class manually:

query = SelectQuery(db.get_session()
query.add_condition( == 2)
user = await query.first()
table = None

The table being queried.

conditions = None

A list of conditions to fulfil.

row_limit = None

The limit on the number of rows returned from this query.

row_offset = None

The offset to start fetching rows from.

orderer = None

The column to order by.


Gets the required join paths for this query.


Generates the SQL for this query.

Return type:Tuple[str, dict]

Maps columns in a result row to a Table instance object.

Parameters:results (Mapping[str, Any]) – A single row of results from the query cursor.
Return type:Table
Returns:A new Table instance that represents the row returned.

Maps many records to one row.

This will group the records by the primary key of the main query table, then add additional columns as appropriate.


Sets the table this query is selecting from.

Parameters:tbl – The Table object to select.
Return type:SelectQuery
Returns:This query.

Adds a WHERE clause to the query. This is a shortcut for SelectQuery.add_condition(). == 1)
Parameters:conditions (BaseOperator) – The conditions to use for this WHERE clause.
Return type:SelectQuery
Returns:This query.

Sets a limit of the number of rows that can be returned from this query.

Parameters:row_limit (int) – The maximum number of rows to return.
Return type:SelectQuery
Returns:This query.

Sets the offset of rows to start returning results from/

Parameters:offset (int) – The row offset.
Return type:SelectQuery
Returns:This query.
order_by(*col, sort_order='asc')[source]

Sets the order by clause for this query.

The argument provided can either be a Column, or a Sorter which is provided by Column.asc() / Column.desc(). By default, asc is used when passing a column.


Sets the table to query on.

Parameters:tbl – The Table object to set.
Return type:SelectQuery
Returns:This query.

Adds a condition to the query/

Parameters:condition (BaseOperator) – The BaseOperator to add.
Return type:SelectQuery
Returns:This query.
coroutine all(self)[source]

Gets all results that match from this query.

Return type:ResultGenerator
Returns:A ResultGenerator that can be iterated over.
coroutine first(self)[source]

Gets the first result that matches from this query.

Return type:Table
Returns:A Table instance representing the first item, or None if no item matched.
coroutine run()[source]

Runs this query.

class asyncqlio.orm.query.InsertQuery(sess)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.query.BaseQuery

Represents an INSERT query.

rows_to_insert = None

A list of rows to generate the insert statements for.


Adds a set of rows to the query.

Parameters:rows (Table) – The rows to insert.
Return type:InsertQuery
Returns:This query.

Adds a row to this query, allowing it to be executed later.

Parameters:row (Table) – The Table instance to use for this query.
Return type:InsertQuery
Returns:This query.

Get an UpsertQuery to react upon a conflict.

Parameters:columns (Column) – The Column objects upon which to check for a conflict.
Return type:UpsertQuery

Generates the SQL statements for this insert query.

Return type:List[Tuple[str, tuple]]
Returns:A list of two-item tuples to execute: - The SQL query+params to emit to actually insert the row
coroutine run(self)[source]

Runs this query.

Return type:List[Table]
Returns:A list of inserted md_table.Table.
class asyncqlio.orm.query.UpsertQuery(sess, *columns, rows)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.query.InsertQuery

Represents an UPSERT query.

New in version 0.2.0.

  • sess (Session) – The Session this query is attached to.
  • column – The Column objects on which the conflict might happen.
  • rows (Table) – The Table objects that are to be added.

Add more conflict columns to this query.

Parameters:column – The Column objects upon which to check for a conflict.
Return type:UpsertQuery

Used to specify which Column objects to update on a conflict.

Parameters:cols (Column) – The Column objects to update.
Return type:UpsertQuery

Specify that this query should do nothing if there’s a conflict.

This is the default behavior.

Return type:UpsertQuery

Generates the SQL statements for this upsert query.

Return type:List[Tuple[str, tuple]]
Returns:A list of two-item tuples: - The SQL query to use - The params to use with the query

Adds a row to this query, allowing it to be executed later.

Parameters:row (Table) – The Table instance to use for this query.
Return type:InsertQuery
Returns:This query.

Adds a set of rows to the query.

Parameters:rows (Table) – The rows to insert.
Return type:InsertQuery
Returns:This query.
coroutine run(self)

Runs this query.

Return type:List[Table]
Returns:A list of inserted md_table.Table.
class asyncqlio.orm.query.BulkQuery(sess)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.query.BaseQuery

Represents a bulk query.

This allows adding conditionals to the query.

conditions = None

The list of conditions to query by.


Sets the table for this query.


Sets the conditions for this query.


Sets a table on this query.


Adds a condition to this query.


Generates the SQL for this query. :rtype: Tuple[str, Mapping[str, Any]] :return: A two item tuple, the SQL to use and a mapping of params to pass.

coroutine run()

Runs this query.

class asyncqlio.orm.query.BulkUpdateQuery(sess)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.query.BulkQuery

Represents a bulk update query. This updates many rows based on certain criteria.

query = BulkUpdateQuery(session)

# style 1: manual
query.add_condition(User.xp < 300)
# add on a value
query.set_update(User.xp + 100)
# or set a value

# style 2: builder
await query.table(User).where(User.xp < 300).set(User.xp + 100).run()
await query.table(User).where(User.xp < 300).set(User.xp, 300).run()
setting = None

The thing to set on the updated rows.

set(setter, value=None)[source]

Sets a column in this query.


Sets the update for this query.


Generates the SQL for this query.


Adds a condition to this query.

coroutine run()[source]

Runs this query.


Sets a table on this query.


Sets the table for this query.


Sets the conditions for this query.

class asyncqlio.orm.query.BulkDeleteQuery(sess)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.query.BulkQuery

Represents a bulk delete query. This deletes many rows based on criteria.

query = BulkDeleteQuery(session)

# style 1: manual
query.add_condition(User.xp < 300)

# style 2: builder
await query.table(User).where(User.xp < 300).run()
await query.table(User).where(User.xp < 300).run()

Generates the SQL for this query. :return: A two item tuple, the SQL to use and a mapping of params to pass.


Adds a condition to this query.

coroutine run()[source]

Runs this query.


Sets a table on this query.


Sets the table for this query.


Sets the conditions for this query.

class asyncqlio.orm.query.RowUpdateQuery(sess)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.query.BaseQuery

Represents a row update query. This is NOT a bulk update query - it is used for updating specific rows.

rows_to_update = None

The list of rows to update.


Adds a set of rows to the query.

Parameters:rows (Table) – The rows to insert.
Return type:RowUpdateQuery
Returns:This query.

Adds a row to this query, allowing it to be executed later.

Parameters:row (Table) – The Table instance to use for this query.
Return type:RowUpdateQuery
Returns:This query.

Generates the SQL statements for this row update query.

This will return a list of two-item tuples to execute:

  • The SQL query+params to emit to actually insert the row
Return type:List[Tuple[str, tuple]]
coroutine run()[source]

Executes this query.

class asyncqlio.orm.query.RowDeleteQuery(sess)[source]

Bases: asyncqlio.orm.query.BaseQuery

Represents a row deletion query. This is NOT a bulk delete query - it is used for deleting specific rows.

rows_to_delete = None

The list of rows to delete.


Adds a set of rows to the query.

Parameters:rows (Table) – The rows to insert.
Return type:RowDeleteQuery
Returns:This query.
coroutine run()[source]

Runs this query.


Adds a row to this query.

Parameters:row (Table) – The Table instance

Generates the SQL statements for this row delete query.

This will return a list of two-item tuples to execute:

  • The SQL query+params to emit to actually insert the row
Return type:List[Tuple[str, tuple]]