Welcome to asyncqlio’s documentation!

asyncqlio is a Python 3.5+ ORM for SQL Relational Databases, that uses asyncio for an async interface.

You can install the latest version of asyncqlio from PyPI with pip:

$ pip install asyncqlio

You can also install the development version of asyncqlio from Git:

$ pip install git+https://github.com/SunDwarf/asyncqlio.git

The development version is NOT guarenteed to be stable, or even working. Of course, asyncqlio by itself is useless without a driver to connect to a database. asyncqlio comes with modules that use other libraries as backend drivers to connect to these servers:

  • PostgreSQL (asyncpg, aiopg): driver-psql
  • MySQL (aiomysql): driver-mysql
  • SQLite3 (sqlite3): driver-sqlite3

Other databases may be supported in the future.

Indices and tables