Source code for asyncqlio.orm.inspection

Inspection module - contains utilities for inspecting Table objects and Row objects.
import typing

from asyncqlio.orm import session as md_session
from asyncqlio.orm.schema import column as md_column, table as md_table

[docs]def get_row_session(row: 'md_table.Table') -> 'md_session.Session': """ Gets the :class:`.Session` associated with a :class:`.TableRow`. :param row: The :class:`.Table` instance to inspect. """ return row._session
[docs]def get_row_history(row: 'md_table.Table') \ -> 'typing.Dict[md_column.Column, typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]': """ Gets the history for the specified row. This returns a dict, indexed by Column, with values being another dict with `old` and `new` keys that represent the old and new values of the item. """ d = {} for column in row.table.iter_columns(): old_value = row.get_old_value(column) new_value = row.get_column_value(column, return_default=False) d[column] = {"old": old_value, "new": new_value} return d
[docs]def get_pk(row: 'md_table.Table', as_tuple: bool = True): """ Gets the primary key for a Table row. :param row: The :class:`.Table` instance to extract the PK from. :param as_tuple: Should this PK always be returned as a tuple? """ pk = row.primary_key if as_tuple and not isinstance(pk, tuple): return pk, return pk
# marker methods def _set_mangled(row: 'md_table.Table', name: str, mark: typing.Any): setattr(row, "_Table__{}".format(name), mark) return row def _get_mangled(row: 'md_table.Table', name: str): return getattr(row, "_Table__{}".format(name))