Source code for asyncqlio.orm.schema.relationship

Relationship helpers.
import typing

from cached_property import cached_property

from asyncqlio.orm import query as md_query
from asyncqlio.orm.schema import column as md_column, table as md_table
from asyncqlio.sentinels import NO_VALUE
from asyncqlio.utils import iter_to_aiter

[docs]class ForeignKey(object): """ Represents a foreign key object in a column. This allows linking multiple tables together relationally. .. code-block:: python3 class Server(Table): id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String) owner_id = Column(Integer, foreign_key=ForeignKey("") """ def __init__(self, foreign_column: 'typing.Union[md_column.Column, str]'): """ :param foreign_column: Either a :class:`.Column` representing the foreign column, or a str \ in the format ``<table object name>.<column name>``. """ #: The :class:`.Column` object this FK references. self.foreign_column = None # type: md_column.Column # used to resolve a column later if we can't resolve it now if isinstance(foreign_column, md_column.Column): self.foreign_column = foreign_column self._f_name = None else: # we will check this later self._f_name = foreign_column #: The :class:`.Column` object this FK is associated with. self.column = None # type: md_column.Column def __repr__(self): return "<ForeignKey owner='{}' foreign='{}'>".format(self.column, self.foreign_column)
[docs]class Relationship(object): """ Represents a relationship to another table object. This object provides an easy, object-oriented interface to a foreign key relationship between two tables, the left table and the right table. The left table is the "parent" table, and the right table is the "child" table; effectively creating a one to many/many to one relationship between the two tables. To create a relationship, there must be a column in the child table that represents the primary key of a parent table; this is the foreign key column, and will be used to load the other table. .. code-block:: python3 class User(Table): # id is the primary key of the parent table id = Column(Integer, auto_increment=True) name = Column(String) # this is the relationship joiner; it uses id as the left key, and user_id as the right # this will create a join between the two tables inventory = Relationship(left=id, right="InventoryItem.user_id") class InventoryItem(Table): id = Column(BigInteger, auto_increment=True) # user_id is the "foreign key" - it references the column user_id = Column(Integer, foreign_key=ForeignKey( Once created, the new relationship object can be used to iterate over the child objects, using ``async for``: .. code-block:: python3 user = await == 1).first() async for item in user.inventory: ... By default, the relationship will use a SELECT query to load the items; this can be changed to a joined query when loading any table rows, by changing the ``load`` param. The possible values of this param are: - ``select`` - Emits a SELECT query to load child items. - ``joined`` - Emits a join query to load child items. For all possible options, see :ref:`Relationship Loading`. """ def __init__(self, left: 'typing.Union[md_column.Column, str]', right: 'typing.Union[md_column.Column, str]', *, load: str = "select", use_iter: bool = True, back_ref: str = None, table_alias: str = None): """ :param left: The left-hand column (the Column on this table) in this relationship. :param right: The right-hand column (the Column on the foreign table) in this relationship. :param load: The way to load this relationship. The default is "select" - this means that a separate select statement will be issued to iterate over the rows of the relationship. For all possible options, see :ref:`Relationship Loading`. :param use_iter: Should this relationship use the iterable format? This controls if this relationship is created as one to many, or as a many to one/one to one relationship. :param back_ref: The "back reference" to add to the right table. This will automatically add a relationship to the right table with the specified name, and automatically fill it when querying over said relationship. :param table_alias: The table alias to use when joining. This will rename the joined table to allow selecting specific rows in tables with multiple relationships to the same table. """ #: The left column for this relationship. self.left_column = left #: The right column for this relationship. self.right_column = right #: The load type for this relationship. self.load_type = load #: If this relationship uses the iterable format. self.use_iter = use_iter #: The owner table for this relationship. self.owner_table = None #: The name of this relationship. self._name = None #: The back-reference for this relationship. self.back_reference = back_ref self._table_alias = table_alias if self.use_iter is False: self.load_type = "joined" def __getattr__(self, item): column = self.foreign_table.get_column(item) if column is not None: return md_column.AliasedColumn(self._table_alias, column) relationship = self.foreign_table.get_relationship(item) if relationship is not None: return relationship raise AttributeError(item) def __set_name__(self, owner, name): self.owner_table = owner self._name = name def __repr__(self): try: o_name = "{}.{}".format(self.our_column.table.__tablename__, except AttributeError: o_name = "<unknown>" try: f_name = "{}.{}".format(self.foreign_column.table.__tablename__, except AttributeError: f_name = "<unknown>" return "<Relationship '{}' <-> '{}'>".format(o_name, f_name) def _get_join_query(self, parent: 'Relationship'): """ Gets the join part of a SELECT query for this relationship. """ # TODO: Maybe customize join types? fmt = "LEFT OUTER JOIN {} {} ".format(self.foreign_table.alias_table.__quoted_name__, self.foreign_table.__quoted_name__) # explanation # if parent is None, we can assume we're the first in the chain # and we want to join using the normal name since there's no aliases (yet) # however, if it isn't # we need to join using the alias table name # since that has been used instead of the actual table name if parent is not None: left = self.our_column.quoted_fullname_with_table(parent.foreign_table) else: left = self.our_column.quoted_fullname_with_table(self.owner_table) right = self.foreign_column.quoted_fullname_with_table(self.foreign_table) fmt += 'ON {} = {}'.format(left, right) return fmt # right-wing logic @cached_property def our_column(self) -> 'md_column.Column': """ Gets the local column this relationship refers to. """ if self.left_column == self.owner_table: return self.left_column return self.right_column @property def foreign_column(self) -> 'md_column.Column': """ Gets the foreign column this relationship refers to. """ if self.left_column.table == self.owner_table: return self.right_column return self.left_column @property def foreign_table(self): if isinstance(self._table_alias, md_table.AliasedTable): return self._table_alias return self.foreign_column.table @property def join_columns(self) -> typing.Tuple['md_column.Column', 'md_column.Column']: """ Gets the "join" columns of this relationship, i.e the columns that link the two columns. """ return self.our_column, self.foreign_column
[docs] def get_instance(self, row: 'md_table.Table', session): """ Gets a new "relationship" instance. """ if self.load_type == "select": return SelectLoadedRelationship(self, row, session or row._session) elif self.load_type == "joined": if self.use_iter is False: return JoinLoadedOTORelationship(self, row, session or row._session) else: return JoinLoadedOTMRelationship(self, row, session or row._session) else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown load type {}".format(self.load_type))
# Specific relationship types produced for TableRow objects.
[docs]class BaseLoadedRelationship(object): """ Provides some common methods for specific relationship type subclasses. """ def __init__(self, rel: 'Relationship', row: 'md_table.Table', session): """ :param rel: The :class:`.Relationship` that lies underneath this object. :param row: The :class:`.TableRow` this is being loaded from. :param session: The :class:`.Session` this object is attached to. """ self.relationship = rel self.row = row self.session = session or row._session def _it_stored_rows(self): raise NotImplementedError async def _add_row(self, row: 'md_table.Table'): """ An overridable method called when a row is added. """
[docs] async def add(self, row: 'md_table.Table'): """ Adds a row to this relationship. .. warning:: This will run an immediate insert/update of this row; if the parent row for this relationship is not inserted it will run an immediate insert on the parent. :param row: The :class:`.TableRow` object to add to this relationship. """ if not self.row._TableRow__existed: # we need to insert the row for it to be ready # so we do that now self.row = await self.session.insert_now(row) # get the data that we're updating the foreign column on our_column = self.relationship.our_column data = self.row.get_column_value(our_column) # set said data on our row in the FK field f_column = self.relationship.foreign_column row.store_column_value(f_column, data) # insert/update row row = await self.session.add(row) await self._add_row(row) return row
async def _remove_row(self, row: 'md_table.Table'): """ An overridable method called when a row is removed. """
[docs] async def remove(self, row: 'md_table.Table'): """ Removes a row from this query. .. warning:: This will run an immediate UPDATE of this row to remove the foreign key. :param row: The :class:`.TableRow` object to remove from this relationship. """ f_column = self.relationship.foreign_column if row.get_column_value(f_column, return_default=False) is NO_VALUE: raise ValueError("The row '{}' is not in this relationship".format(row)) row.store_column_value(f_column, None) # generates an update row = await self.session.add(row) await self._remove_row(row) return row
[docs] def set_rows(self, rows: 'typing.List[md_table.Table]'): """ Sets the rows for this relationship. This is an internal method, and not to be used in user code. """ pass
def _update_sub_relationships(self, mapping): """ Updates relationship mappings for this relationship automatically, if applicable. """ # don't bother doing it on select loaded relationships if isinstance(self, SelectLoadedRelationship): return for row in self._it_stored_rows(): # check for each relationship for relationship in row.table.iter_relationships(): if relationship not in mapping: continue # check if the columns match rows = mapping[relationship] # iterate over each new row in the mapping # check if OUR column matches with the value in THEIR column for nrow in rows: if row.get_column_value(relationship.our_column) \ == nrow.get_column_value(relationship.foreign_column): row._relationship_mapping[relationship].append(nrow) def __iter__(self): raise TypeError("This cannot be iterated over normally") def __anext__(self): raise TypeError("This is not an async iterator")
[docs]class SelectLoadedRelationship(BaseLoadedRelationship): """ A relationship object that uses a separate SELECT statement to load follow-on tables. """ def _it_stored_rows(self): return [] @property def query(self) -> 'md_query.SelectQuery': """ Gets the query for this relationship, allowing further customization. For example, to change the order of the rows returned: .. code-block:: python3 async for child in parent.children.query.order_by(Child.age): ... """ columns = self.relationship.join_columns query = md_query.SelectQuery(self.row._session) query.set_table(self.relationship.foreign_table) # owner column == non owner column query.add_condition(columns[1] == self.row.get_column_value(columns[0])) return query async def first(self): rows = await self._load() return await def __await__(self): return self._load().__await__() def __aiter__(self): return self._load() async def _load(self): """ Loads the rows for this session. """ return await self.query.all()
[docs]@iter_to_aiter class JoinLoadedOTMRelationship(BaseLoadedRelationship): """ Represents a join-loaded one to many relationship. """ def __init__(self, rel: 'Relationship', row: 'md_table.Table', session): """ :param rel: The :class:`.Relationship` that lies underneath this object. :param row: The :class:`.TableRow` this is being loaded from. :param session: The :class:`.Session` this object is attached to. """ super().__init__(rel, row, session) self._row_storage = [] def _it_stored_rows(self): return self._row_storage def __repr__(self): return "<JoinLoadedOTMRelationship {}>".format(repr(self._row_storage)) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._row_storage) async def _add_row(self, row: 'md_table.Table'): self._row_storage.append(row) async def _remove_row(self, row: 'md_table.Table'): self._row_storage.remove(row) def set_rows(self, rows: 'typing.List[md_table.Table]'): self._row_storage = rows
[docs]class JoinLoadedOTORelationship(BaseLoadedRelationship): """ Represents a joined one<-to->one relationship. """ def __init__(self, rel: 'Relationship', row: 'md_table.Table', session): """ :param rel: The :class:`.Relationship` that lies underneath this object. :param row: The :class:`.TableRow` this is being loaded from. :param session: The :class:`.Session` this object is attached to. """ super().__init__(rel, row, session) self._rel_row = None def _it_stored_rows(self): return [self._rel_row] def __repr__(self): return "<JoinLoadedOTORelationship row='{}'>".format(self._rel_row) def set_rows(self, rows: 'typing.List[md_table.Table]'): try: self._rel_row = next(iter(rows)) except StopIteration: return def add(self, row: 'md_table.Table'): raise NotImplementedError("This method does not work on one to one relationships") def remove(self, row: 'md_table.Table'): raise NotImplementedError("This method not work on one to one relationships") def __getattr__(self, item): if self._rel_row is None: raise AttributeError("Cannot load from empty row") else: return getattr(self._rel_row, item)
[docs] async def set(self, row: 'md_table.Table'): """ Sets the row for this one-to-one relationship. .. warning:: This will run an immediate insert/update of this row; if the parent row for this relationship is not inserted it will run an immediate insert on the parent. :param row: The :class:`.TableRow` to set. """ # TODO: Setting None will delete # copied from the add() code if not self.row._TableRow__existed: # we need to insert the row for it to be ready # so we do that now self.row = await self.session.insert_now(row) # get the data that we're updating the foreign column on our_column = self.relationship.our_column data = self.row.get_column_value(our_column) # set said data on our row in the FK field f_column = self.relationship.foreign_column row.store_column_value(f_column, data) # insert/update row row = await self.session.add(row) self._rel_row = row return row