Source code for asyncqlio.backends.postgresql.asyncpg

The :ref:`asyncpg` connector for PostgreSQL databases.
import asyncio
import logging
import typing
import warnings

import asyncpg
from asyncpg import Record
from asyncpg.cursor import Cursor
from asyncpg.transaction import Transaction

from asyncqlio.backends.base import BaseConnector, BaseResultSet, BaseTransaction, DictRow
from asyncqlio.exc import DatabaseException, IntegrityError, OperationalError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_param_query(sql: str, params: dict) -> typing.Tuple[str, tuple]: """ Re-does a SQL query so that it uses asyncpg's special query format. :param sql: The SQL statement to use. :param params: The dict of parameters to use. :return: A two-item tuple of (new_query, arguments) """ if not params or len(params) < 1: return sql, () # Dump the params into key -> value pairs. kv = [(k, v) for (k, v) in params.items()] # Define the list of items that are used to return. items = [] fmt_dict = {} # Iterate over the key-values, adding each key to the fmt_dict with the number index. for n, (k, v) in enumerate(kv): n += 1 # Add to the format dict. fmt_dict[k] = "${}".format(n) items.append(v) # Finally, format the SQL with the required params. sql_statement = sql.format(**fmt_dict)
return sql_statement, tuple(items)
[docs]class AsyncpgResultSet(BaseResultSet): def __init__(self, cur: Cursor): self.cur = cur self._keys = None
[docs] async def fetch_many(self, n: int): res = await self.cur.fetch(n) if res and self._keys is None: self._keys = res[0].keys()
return [DictRow(r) for r in res if r is not None] @property def keys(self) -> typing.Iterable[str]: if self._keys is None: raise RuntimeError("No keys have been fetched") return self._keys
[docs] async def fetch_row(self): row = await self.cur.fetchrow() # type: Record if self._keys is None and row is not None: self._keys = row.keys() if row is not None:
return DictRow(row)
[docs] async def close(self):
[docs]class AsyncpgTransaction(BaseTransaction): """ A transaction that uses the `asyncpg <>`_ library. """ def __init__(self, conn: 'AsyncpgConnector'): super().__init__(conn) #: The acquired connection from the connection pool. self.acquired_connection = None # type: asyncpg.connection.Connection #: The asyncpg internal transaction. self.transaction = None # type: Transaction
[docs] async def begin(self, **transaction_options): """ Begins the transaction. """ logger.debug("Acquiring new transaction...") self.acquired_connection = \ await self.connector.pool.acquire() # type: asyncpg.connection.Connection self.transaction = self.acquired_connection.transaction(**transaction_options) await self.transaction.start() logger.debug("Acquired and started transaction {}".format(self.transaction))
return self
[docs] async def commit(self): """ Commits the transaction. """
await self.transaction.commit()
[docs] async def rollback(self, checkpoint: str = None): if checkpoint is not None: # execute the ROLLBACK TO await self.acquired_connection.execute("ROLLBACK TO {}".format(checkpoint)) else:
await self.transaction.rollback()
[docs] async def close(self, *, has_error: bool = False): if has_error: await self.acquired_connection.close()
await self.connector.pool.release(self.acquired_connection)
[docs] async def execute(self, sql: str, params: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any] = None): """ Executes SQL inside the transaction. :param sql: The SQL to execute. :param params: The parameters to excecute with. """ # re-paramatarize the query logger.debug("Executing query {} with params {}".format(sql, params)) query, params = get_param_query(sql, params) try: results = await self.acquired_connection.execute(query, *params) except (asyncpg.IntegrityConstraintViolationError, asyncpg.exceptions.NotNullViolationError) as e: raise IntegrityError(*e.args) from e except asyncpg.ObjectNotInPrerequisiteStateError as e: raise OperationalError(*e.args) from e except (asyncpg.SyntaxOrAccessError, asyncpg.InFailedSQLTransactionError) as e: raise DatabaseException(*e.args) from e
return results
[docs] async def cursor(self, sql: str, params: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any] = None) \ -> AsyncpgResultSet: """ Executes a SQL statement and returns a cursor to iterate over the rows of the result. """ logger.debug("Transforming query {} with params {}".format(sql, params)) query, params = get_param_query(sql, params) logger.debug("Executing query {} with params {}".format(query, params)) cur = await self.acquired_connection.cursor(query, *params) result = AsyncpgResultSet(cur)
return result
[docs] async def create_savepoint(self, name: str):
await self.acquired_connection.execute("SAVEPOINT {};".format(name))
[docs] async def release_savepoint(self, name: str):
await self.acquired_connection.execute("RELEASE SAVEPOINT {};".format(name))
[docs]class AsyncpgConnector(BaseConnector): """ A connector that uses the `asyncpg <>`_ library. """ def __init__(self, parsed): super().__init__(parsed) #: The :class:`asyncpg.pool.Pool` connection pool. self.pool = None # type: asyncpg.pool.Pool def __del__(self): if self.pool is not None and not self.pool._closed: warnings.warn("Unclosed asyncpg pool {}".format(self.pool))
[docs] async def close(self):
await self.pool.close()
[docs] def emit_param(self, name: str) -> str: # note: asyncpg doesn't support DBAPI params # so we have to do a "fun" re-parsing pass # which has the potential to KILL performance # inst
return "{{{name}}}".format(name=name)
[docs] async def connect(self, *, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None) -> 'BaseConnector': # create our connection pool port = self.port or 5432 loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() logger.debug("Connecting to {}".format(self.dsn)) self.pool = await asyncpg.create_pool(, port=port, user=self.username, password=self.password, database=self.db, loop=loop, **self.params)
return self
[docs] def get_transaction(self) -> 'AsyncpgTransaction':
return AsyncpgTransaction(self)
[docs] async def get_db_server_version(self): tr = self.get_transaction() async with tr: cur = await tr.cursor("SELECT version();") row = await cur.fetch_row()
return row[0] # define the asyncpg connector as the connector type to make an instance of CONNECTOR_TYPE = AsyncpgConnector